The Early Childhood Center is an educational center intended for children birth to eight years old and their parents/guardians. The center is open to families that reside in the Bellevue Public Schools attendance area or active duty military families. Parents/Guardians have the opportunity to check out toys and/or resources to take home with them. Parents/Guardians must accompany their children while participating in the center's activities.
Eligibility: Children from birth to eight years old and their parent/guardian.
Requirements: The family must reside within the Bellevue Public Schools attendance area or military families.
You are welcome to join us anytime. No reservations are needed.
Early Childhood Center Location:
Bellevue Public Schools Welcome Center
2600 Arboretum Drive
Bellevue, NE 68005
(402) 827-8549
Early Childhood Center Hours:
Monday through Friday
8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Saturday and Sunday CLOSED
*The Early Childhood Center follows the BPS calendar*
Summer Hours: June 3-21, 2024 (Monday-Friday)
The Early Childhood Center opens for the new school year on August 8, 2024.