• Facilities Master Plan & BPS Bond Information

    At the June 2016 School Board meeting the Board approved the bond referendum language for use in a September 2016 Special Election.

    At the May 2016 School Board meeting the Board approved the authorization for the administration to make the necessary preparations for a Special Bond Election to fund the Facility Master Plan with specific bond language to be approved by the Board at a future meeting. 

    At the March 2016 School Board meeting the Board approved the Facility Master Plan recommendations presented by the Facilities Steering Committee with the exclusion of any school closures. Please see the Facilities Master Plan final report, which includes the financial summary by category and building, and the Recommended Expenses Chart

    The Board received a report at the January 2016 School Board meeting from the Facilities Master Plan Steering Committee on their recommendations. Please see the link below for the steering committee's report.

    Bellevue Public Schools hosted the second community dialogue on Monday, November 2 with educators, parents, students, civic and business leaders, and other engaged community members. Please see the presentation, possible options, and results.

    Bellevue Public Schools hosted the first community dialogue on October 8 with educators, parents, students, civic and business leaders, and other engaged community members about the Facilities Master Plan for the District. The FMP will help guide the direction of our facility plans for the future. Please see the comprehensive facility assessment report, district deficiency list data, life cycle grid, 2015-2016 background report, presentation, and results.