• Preschool

    Bellevue Public Schools' Preschool Program serves children who are four years of age (by July 31). Children qualify for the program in two ways. One way is based on a screening process, which identifies potential risk factors for development. In addition, the preschool program services children who have qualified for Special Education Services through an evaluation process and have a verified educational disability with a current IEP. All related services identified on the IEP are provided within the preschool classroom setting. 

    Eligibility Criteria for Preschool

    Special Education: If the family has developmental concerns, children will be evaluated by the Bellevue Public Schools Early Childhood Special Education Team who will determine if the child has an identified educational disability.  If the team identifies an educational disability, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is developed to meet the child's needs.  Evaluations and services are completed at no charge.

    Targeted Title I: Children must go through a Developmental Screening which includes a developmental assessment. Additional information is gathered through professional observations and parent report. All of the gathered information and assessments are used to determine if the child meets the Title I criteria. Children do not need to demonstrate a delay in development in order to qualify for the Title I Preschool Program.

    Children who are three years of age by July 31 and receive special education services through and Individualized Education Plan may be considered for preschool on their identified needs and goal progress.