• Section 504

    Section 504 is a civil rights law that protects individuals with a disability from discrimination for reasons related to their disability and ensures that all students have equal access to their education. Section 504 defines a person with disabilities if he/she:

    •  has a physical or mental impairment that limits one or more of the person’s major life activities (walking, speaking, working, eating, standing, lifting, bending, sleeping, seeing, breathing, caring for oneself, reading, concentrating, hearing, learning, performing manual tasks, thinking, communicating)
    •  has a record of such an impairment; or 
    •  is regarded as having such impairment. 

    When a condition significantly limits a major life activity, an accommodation plan must be developed for that student. A team determines services under Section 504.

    The requirements to qualify for a 504 Plan are somewhat less restrictive than special education criteria. A 504 Plan is most often utilized for students who are diagnosed with some form of physical, mental health, or medical condition (such as diabetes, migraine headaches, attention deficit disorder), but otherwise do not meet eligibility requirements for special education services. A 504 Plan is a written plan that provides for accommodations for the student, but not for specially designed instruction.

    For more information regarding Section 504, contact your building principal.

    Should a grievance arise regarding Section 504, these procedures will be followed.