B.E.S.T. Program
The Bellevue Public Schools' B.E.S.T. Program was established in 2011 to serve the transition needs of developmentally disabled young adults, ages 18 to 21. This program emphasizes skills development in functional academics, personal management, motor development, vocational development, communication and social skills, and independent living. Students, according to their Individual Educational Program (IEP), are taught the necessary skills needed for competitive employment, volunteer activities, or sheltered workshops.
The B.E.S.T Program's goal is to assist in a smooth transition from school to the community. Agency involvement is critical for young adults. Representatives from different agencies may participate in IEP meetings and Multidisciplinary Team meetings. Parents, students, and staff all benefit from having information about services and options available to students when they leave the program. Local, state, and federal agencies can assist students, parents, and staff in planning, advocating, and accessing services.
To be considered for the program, students must:
- Have a verified disability with an IEP in place
- Have participated in the Life Skill Curriculum or have taken a majority of modified classes and have met graduation requirements
- Have a history of IEP documentation for the need of transition, life skill, and vocational training
- Not pose a direct threat to themselves or others
- Not require full time nursing services
- Have independent toileting skills, unless physical disability impairs independence
Ms. Jenny Lynch
Principal of B.E.S.T. Program
Email: jennifer.lynch@bpsne.net
Phone: 402-827-6167