• Student Conduct

    Students who are knowledgeable about the rules for a safe bus or van ride are more easily accountable for their behavior. Proper student behavior permits the bus or van driver to give all their attention to driving.

    It is mandatory that all students conduct themselves in a manner that is not likely to bring injury to themselves or others on the bus or van. Any behavior which might be distracting to the bus or van driver is prohibited. Other behavior that will normally be considered in violation of the expected code of bus or van conduct and may result in the loss of the student’s riding privileges include: 

    • Standing or walking in a moving bus or van
    • Placing any part of the body or any articles out the window
    • Throwing items
    • Eating, drinking, or smoking in the bus or van
    • Fighting or intentionally provoking fights in or around the bus or van
    • Profane or obscene language or actions
    • Excessive noise
    • Littering
    • Defacing or damaging the bus or van inside or outside
    • General disobedience directed toward the bus or van driver

    When students leave the bus and intend to cross the street, they must walk to a distance of approximately 12 feet in front of the bus and stop. Students are not to proceed across the street or highway after leaving a bus until the driver has checked the traffic and signaled them that it is safe to cross. Students are never to walk around the rear of the bus after leaving it.

    The bus or van driver shall be responsible for correcting any student misbehavior while in route. Drivers shall indicate verbally and personally to the students those behaviors which are inappropriate and make every reasonable attempt to correct those behaviors. Should the misbehavior persist after due warning and reprimand by the bus or van driver, the driver then has the responsibility to report the conduct violation to the building principal and the transportation manager.