• 2024 Fall One & Fall Two for Group Fitness Land and Aquatic Classes 


    Welcome new and returning participants. All registrations are taken at the Lied Activity Center.  Please bring completed form and payment to the Lied Center Front Desk during business hours Monday-Sunday.  Payments will be processed at the time of registration.

    Scheduled Sessions for all Programs

    Fall One Session: August 26-October 19

    Registration period: August 19-September 1

    No class:  8/31, 9/2


    Fall Two Session: October 21- December 21

    Registration period: October 7-October 27

    No class: 11/11, 11/25-11/30


    Pay per Class Options: If not registered for the current session, you may pay a drop-in class fee of $10.00 for members and $12.00 for non-members. Payment for single class must be made before each class at the front desk.  You will be issued a class form for admittance to your group fitness class and must be turned in to the instructor. You may purchase multiple classes but each class must be on an individual form. 


    Cancellation policy:  If your program is cancelled due to not meeting minimum class participation not including BPS Staff Unlimited Pass, you may transfer into another class or request a refund. 

    If you are cancelling your enrollment for any other reason you must cancel prior to the second scheduled class for which you are registered. Refunds will not be given after second class has been conducted.

    If you are cancelling due to a medical issue, you must provide documentation from your medical care provider stating that you are to refrain from physical activity, and submit the documentation to Ryan Schultz, Director of the Lied Activity Center. Registrations may be credited up to six months.


    Inclement Weather / Holiday Closing Policy / Missed Class:  If Bellevue Public Schools close due to inclement weather or a scheduled holiday the facility will also be closed. If you miss a scheduled class, you are encouraged to make up the missed class during the CURRENT SESSION.


    For current information concerning inclement weather closures at the Lied Activity Center contact the Lied Activity Center 402-293-5000.


    Please Note: There are no prorates for missed classes or late registrations and there is no transfer of classes to another person. See pricing schedule for late registrations.


    Program pricing for Group Fitness Land and Aquatic Classes-*Pricing may change without notice


    8 Week Session



    1 class per week



    2 classes per week



    3 classes per week



    4 classes per week



    5 classes per week



    BPS Staff* Unlimited
















    BPS Staff Unlimited Pass: Attend an unlimited number of aquatic and/or group fitness classes during the week. 

    *Staff Rate- includes teachers, administrators and all support staff and BPS retirees-No other discounts apply.


    The facility has the right to add/drop/change classes/instructors to meet program and minimum class participation requirements. Fitness programs are designed for ages 16 & up. Participants younger than 19 must have a legal guardian or parent’s written consent.

    For questions contact Renee at 402-740-3282 or renee@fitinthecity.com


    Group Exercise Etiquette

    • Please introduce yourself to the instructor, if you are new to the class.

    • In order to prevent injury, do not enter a class already in session, or leave before properly stretching and cooling down.

    • Please refrain from talking during class to avoid distracting other students, your instructor, and your lifeguard.

    • All cell phones should be turned OFF during class. 

    All classes conducted by nationally certified instructors. Our wellness programs offer multiple benefits regardless of your fitness level. Our instructors provide modifications to increase or decrease the difficulty of the moves, and you’re always free to go at your own pace.


    Yoga- Find physical harmony through traditional yoga poses that help strengthen both mind and body.


    Real Fitness Wellness Program

    These classes focus on Functional Training to help maintain a healthy lifestyle for the active older adult.

    Balance with Flexibility- Work on maintaining your balance and flexibility through standing and seated exercises tailored to help you lengthen muscles and improve joint stability.  New Day Added-Thursday-830am

    Strength Moves-Staying strong and healthy as we age is recommended and accommodated in this total body strength program for those ages 55 & up.  Each participant is provided physical distancing and the appropriate class equipment and chair. 


    Held in a heated zero depth entry pool.

    Swimmers and non-swimmers are welcome.


    Classes conducted by nationally certified instructors. Our aquatic programs offer multiple benefits regardless of your fitness level. Our instructors provide modifications to increase or decrease the difficulty of the moves, and you’re always free to go at your own pace. Working out in water provides equal resistance through your full range of motion, and allows you to strengthen your muscles without stressing vulnerable joints.


    Aqua Moves-Offering the aquatic exerciser a safe way to exercise in the comfort of the water by providing physical distancing and purpose-driven exercises.  Shallow and deeper water levels are available for participants to complete their water exercises while instructors provide effective cues, patterns, variety,  and intensity levels.  Classes include cardiovascular fitness and strength training with added resistance and buoyancy options with the use of aquatic equipment.

    For participants seeking the deeper areas of the pool water belts and aqua noodles can be provided. 




    8:30-9:20am-Strength Moves

    9:30-10:20am-Aqua Moves


    8:30-9:20am-Balance w/Flexibility

    9:30-10:20am-Aqua Moves

    5:30-6:20pm-Aqua Moves


    8:30-9:20am-Strength Moves

    9:30-10:20am-Aqua Moves



    8:30-9:20am-Balance w/Flexibility

    9:30-10:20am-Aqua Moves

    5:30-6:20pm-Aqua Moves


    8:30-9:20am-Strength Moves

    9:30-10:20am-Aqua Moves


    10:30-11:20am-Aqua Moves