Service Groups
Sophomore Senate
Class senates are sponsored leadership organizations. The students in these clubs demonstrate leadership by planning and organizing fundraisers to raise money for their class. They money raised can later be used for prom, senior gifts, and other class activities during and after high school. In addition to fundraising, Sophomore Senate will also help recognize their peers for positive achievement, service learning work, and anything else the group decides to accomplish.
Sponsor: Karie DeJonge (karie.dejonge@bpsne.net)
Key Club
Key Club is a student-led International Service Organization. It is intended to be for the "key" leaders in the school for service.
- To develop initiative and leadership.
- To provide experience in living and working together.
- To serve the school and community.
- To cooperate with the school principal.
- To prepare for useful citizenship.
- To accept and promote the following ideals:
- To give primacy to the human and spiritual, rather than to the material values of life.
- To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships.
- To promote the adoption and application of higher standards in scholarship, sportsmanship and social contacts.
- To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive, and serviceable citizenship.
- To provide a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render unselfish service and to build better communities.
- To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which makes possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism and good will.
We are supported by a local Kiwanis Club and have an advisor from the club at our meetings. We meet once a week on Thursdays after school.
Locally and at Bellevue West we have supported and/or volunteered with the following organizations/causes (and others on any given year):
- Eastern Nebraska Community Action Partnership with Thanksgiving Baskets
- Troops at Holiday times--sending a banner to them to show BW support
- Open Door Mission
- American Red Cross
- BPS Elementary School Carnivals and Bingo Nights
- EPA Clean water project with City of Bellevue
- Events at Bellevue West
- Concessions at Games
- UNICEF with Key Club International
- Eliminate Project with Key Club International
Advisor: Amy Smith (amy.smith@bpsne.net)
Senior Senate
Senior Senate is a leadership and government group designed to direct numerous class activities and events.
Sponsor: Chad Huseth (chad.huseth@bpsne.net)
Student Council
Student Council is a student government group which hosts homecoming, the bi-annual blood drives, finals study halls, and other service projects for the community. New members are welcomed throughout the year, and officers are voted into service in the spring.
Sponsor: Grace Masters (Grace.Masters@bpsne.net) and Kenny Staskiewicz (Kenneth.Staskiewicz@bpsne.net)
Congressional Award Club
The Congressional Gold Medal is the Congress’ highest award for youth.
These awards are highly regarded by college and universities for scholarship and admission. Congressman Jeff Fortenberry and Congressman Don Bacon present awards each spring. In addition, the Gold Medals are presented every June in Washington D.C.
The Congressional Award is a public private partnership created by Congress to promote and recognize achievement, initiative and service in America’s youth, ages 14 to 23. The Congressional Award provides a unique opportunity for young people to set and achieve personally challenging goals that build character and foster community service, personal development and citizenship. To earn a Congressional Award, participants set and achieve individual goals in four program areas:
- Voluntary Public Service
- Personal Development
- Physical Fitness
- Expedition/Exploration
All young people are equally able to earn the Congressional Award, because goals are set based on individual interest, need, and ability. A young person is not selected to receive the Congressional Award; they earn it.
Sponsor: Nicole Menard (nicole.menard@bpsne.net)
Junior Senate
Junior Senate is a student leadership and government group designed to direct numerous junior class activities and events. The purpose of the group is to achieve the highest degree possible of coordination among the junior class students; promote the spirit of cooperation among the junior class students, the administration, and the faculty; advance the academic and social aims of the junior class students; and cultivate the overall aspirations of Bellevue West High School.
Junior Senate is responsible for prom. The group also performs at least two community service projects during the school year.
Participation in Junior Senate offers leadership and volunteer activities. Membership is limited to 35 members of the junior class who are elected by their peers and with recommendation by faculty members.
Sponsor: Tara Patomson (tara.patomson@bpsne.net)