• Cultural Groups

    Circle of Friends

    Circle of Friends is a social group whose primary focus is to provide opportunities for students with Autism to develop friendships and communication/social skills through immersion and inclusion with peers on a regular basis.  We work to promote feelings of belonging within the school community.

    Sponsor: Ashley Kouba (ashley.kouba@bpsne.net)

    Diversity Club

    Diversity Club meets to learn, discuss, and embrace diversity in all forms. We promote accepting people for who they are and encouraging an appreciation for those with qualities and traits that may not directly match our own. We spend time talking about the history of various groups and ethnicities unique to the Omaha area, the Civil Rights Movement, and spend time promoting a positive culture in and around the school. We venture out into the community with service trips to the Open Door Mission and look to expand these opportunities as new ideas and inspiration come along.

    Sponsor: Gina Stukenholtz (gina.stukenholtz@bpsne.net)

    Drug Free Club

    Have you ever wondered what you would do if someone asked you to try drugs or drink alcohol?  The Drug Free Club can help you make the right decision!

    In this program you will learn how to say no to drugs with unique activities. You will also learn what would happen to you if you decide to try drugs. This is a fun way to help in the future to say no when your friends or anybody else is trying to get you to be involved with drugs.

    Sponsor: Gary Mercer (gary.mercer@bpsne.net)


    Sponsor: Stacy Hagemann (stacy.hagemann@bpsne.net)

    Spirit Club

    Spirit Club is an extracurricular activity that promotes school spirit.  We support and celebrate students, teachers, and coaches who participate in school activities & sports. 

    We will:

    • Decorate: lockers, make posters for games & advertise home games

    • Cheer: create & lead cheers and chants at home games

    • Support: all students, teachers and coaches who participate in activities & sports

    Sponsor: Amy Eggers (amy.eggers@bpsne.net)