• Cultural Groups

    Art Club

    The Bellevue East Art Club is open to anyone with an interest in art—you don't even need to be enrolled in an art class! We work on all kinds of interesting projects that don't quite fit into our regular class time. It's a great chance to work on art, be creative, get messy, and maybe just make a masterpiece.

    Sponsor: Emily Vidlak (emily.vidlak@bpsne.net) and Rachel Schutte(rachel.schutte@bpsne.net)

    Diversity Club

    Sponsor: Mark Coup (mark.coup@bpsne.net), Abby Ceremuga (abigail.ceremuga@bpsne.net) and Joe Hamik (joe.hamik@bpsne.net

    French Club

    Sponsor: Nora Boyd (nora.boyd@bpsne.net)

    German Club

    Sponsor: Rae Fahrlander (rae.fahrlander@bpsne.net)

    Latin Club

    Sponsor: Elizabeth Rolling (elizabeth.rolling@bpsne.net)

    Spanish Club

    Spanish Club hosts meetings once a month with an activity and a food tasting treat from the Hispanic culture. Examples of activities include Day of the Dead arts and crafts, making Valentine’s day cards in Spanish, and exploring other holidays and activities. In the past this club has sponsored a trip to the yearly Justo or Enio concert.


    Abigail Ceremuga  (abigail.ceremuga@bpsne.net)