LeMay Elementary Conferences
February 10-13, 2024
We are using Sign Up Genius to schedule our conferences. We will hold conferences through Zoom, over the phone, or in person. Use the links below to access your teacher's form. Please work directly with your teacher if you have any scheduling conflicts.
Principal: Dr. Mohanty
Kindergarten: Mrs. Cotton
Kintergarten: Mrs. Salonis
First Grade: Mrs. Lombard
First Grade: Mrs. Scott
Second Grade: Ms. Leach
Second Grade: Mr. Spilinek
Third Grade: Mrs. Jurjevich
Third Grade: Ms. MacEntire
Fourth Grade: Ms. Koch
Fourth Grade: Mrs. O'Kane
Fifth Grade: Ms. Grassau
Fifth Grade: Ms. Lavington
Sixth Grade: Ms. McLey
Sixth Grade: Ms. Pihlgren
Art: Ms. Hoy