• Welcome to LeMay Elementary!

    Dr. Mohanty Photo

    My name is Dr. Meredith Mohanty and this will be my first year serving as principal at LeMay Elementary. I am a Bellevue graduate and earned my bachelor's degree from the University of Nebraska at Omaha in elementary education in 2007. Then, I graduated from UNO in 2009 with my first master's degree in elementary education. In 2013, I graduated from Doane College with my second master's degree in educational leadership. I completed my doctoral degree in educational leadership through UNO in 2021. Prior to coming to LeMay, I was a fifth grade teacher in Ralston Public Schools for six years, the lead teacher at Betz Elementary in Bellevue for two years, and the principal of Fort Crook Elementary in Bellevue for six years.

    My personal mission is to acknowledge, respect, and value the inherent worth in everyone with whom I come in contact. I am dedicated to providing high-quality educational experiences to all of our students while also advocating for the individualized needs of our learners. It is my goal to ensure our students have the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue their goals and dreams.

    I believe all members of the school community contribute to the success of our students. This collaborative partnership ensures students can reach their full potential. Each and every day, I strive to foster a safe and loving learning environment, provide diverse learning experiences, and challenge students to grow both personally and academically.