• History

    On December 6, 1965, the Board of Education voted to name the new junior high school Logan Fontenelle. Students who would be attending the new school submitted recommended names and were then allowed to name their school. The board accepted the recommended name that resulted from student elections.

    Logan Fontenelle was the last chief of the Omaha nation, and was well known in the history of this part of Nebraska. Logan Fontenelle worked for Peter Sarpy in the Bellevue Trading Post, served as an official United States interpreter, and had been selected as a lower-level chief of the Omahas. He went to Washington D.C., where he signed a treaty selling most of the Omaha land to the United States and giving one square mile of land to start the community of Bellevue when Nebraska Territory opened for settlers in 1854.

    Logan's fame continues to live today. Logan Fontenelle Middle School is but one honor. Bellevue's first bank in 1856-87 was named after him. Fontenelle Forest carries his name, one of the Omaha's finest twentieth century hotels was The Fontenelle, and an Omaha boulevard is named Fontenelle, as is a Nebraska village. Logan, or White Horse as the Omahas called him, remains an important name in the history of Bellevue and Nebraska.